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Old 04-18-2012, 05:16 PM
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daniella3d daniella3d is offline
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Location: longueuil, quebec
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daniella3d is on a distinguished road

That's sad. I had copper poisoning from Kent carbon and a lot of my corals died. After many water changes I had my water tested by a pro lab and it was free of copper so I guess my liverock did not absorb too much. My corals did absorb some copper because many of my remaining SPS are now fragile and bristle and they break at the slightest touch.

I used Polyfilter to help remove the copper with water changes. I would also use cuprisorb if I were you. Everything that is still alive in my tank is slowly recovering. It really does not take a large amount of free copper to kill corals.
More fish die from human stupidity than any other disease...
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