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Old 04-09-2012, 03:52 PM
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my2rotties my2rotties is offline
Join Date: Feb 2008
Location: Bragg Creek
Posts: 918
my2rotties is on a distinguished road
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I am out for good... life has too many uncertainties to have a glass box full of fish to worry about. I would never do it again, since I did have some moral issues with the whole hobby, once I really knew what happened before they came home.

All my fish grew big and fat... even the ones that people said could not be kept. Many did not even have to advertised for sale, since they already had perfect homes lined up. I wish my personal canreef friends could have taken them all. However, I did my very best to ensure they found proper homes and would be cared for in a fashion I found acceptable. I did not win any popularity contests when I declined homes. These fish were my pets and when they were going home, I sat in front of the tank and cried.

It was an incredible build and was so much fun, and with the tear down I have been doing on my own now. It sits empty now and I am going to have to cut it apart with a putting knife and rubber hammer to get it out. I want to do it shortly, since it is hard to look at it empty and devoid of all life now.

I am grateful for all my friends that I made on this forum and know I will have them in my life forever. There are a good bunch of people here...

Having Cory offer to help with removing all the sand and water form the system was a god send... ALthough I did not ask for the help, I sure needed it and was glad he offered all those hours of his time to help me out. I had no idea people would be that nice, and it really made a bright spot on a pretty rotten couple of days.

Last edited by my2rotties; 04-09-2012 at 03:55 PM.
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