Thread: Greg's 75g
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Old 04-06-2012, 04:49 AM
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OK, here's the panel. Yes, it's crazy alright, just like I promised

I can't help but hear in my head the theme song from 2001: A Space Odyssey

I've still got lots left to do, but I'm this much closer.
I need to make a light barrier for the Chaeto tank, a splash guard for the electrical panel, the final Chiller stand and a bunch of stuff under the DT needs to be connected and labeled.
Also a light barrier ( sorta like a canopy ) for the DT and maybe screens instead of eggcrate.
And I haven't programmed the RKE yet either. Oh, plus a float switch in the overflow box. I'm sure there's more.
I'm hoping, when I test the cooking rock over the next couple of days, that I will be able to fill the system soon.
I'm still following Myka's cooking advice, but it's killin' me waitin' so long for the nitrates and phosphates to go away.
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