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Old 03-12-2004, 03:54 AM
LostMind LostMind is offline
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Originally Posted by Buk_A_neer
when he pushed the kids face into the ice with all his weight behind it
Man, I have heard people saying this in the news, but I saw the game and saw the replays and watched it all again and again. I saw bertuzzi hanging onto moore's jersey and falling on top of him.

bertuzzi was holding moore's jersey so he could fight him. As moore was out cold from the cheap shot bertuzzi threw, he fell. As moore fell, you could see the jersey in bertuzzi's glove - stretched out... if bertuzzi was throwing moore to the ice with all his power, the jersey would not have been stretched out and visible because bertuzzi's gloves would be on moore pushin/throwing him down.

I think bertuzzi took a real cheap shot at moore. I dont think bertuzzi drove moore's face into the ice with all his force. I do think bertuzzi got what he deserved IF he gets the suspension for the rest of the season and the playoffs. Any longer then that and I think it is being unfair.

I do think this incident is yet another argument for wearing proper face protection.

I also think the league needs to reveiw ref'ing.

I dont believe marc crawford is at fault. I do believe the league is at fault for allowing shitty tactics like this fly for the past ten years. The game has seriously deteriorated into a match of hooking/slashing/poking/cheapshots and become much slower and less exciting to watch.

But hey, thats just my opinion
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