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Old 03-30-2012, 09:09 PM
RuGlu6 RuGlu6 is offline
Join Date: Sep 2008
Location: Vancouver PoMo
Posts: 829
RuGlu6 is on a distinguished road

All of the above is correct, however do not get discouraged by this.
Get a standard used 48" 120 Gal tank buy Instant Ocean salt two buckets will cost $80 free shipping combined with rocks from J&L.
$30+tax 300W heater

here is your good affordable base rock
Add some of this "goby rock" to get good landscaping shapes Dont buy too much it will restrict the flow just get enough for two piles, one on the right one on the left. 100lb will only cost you $250+tax+free shipping. Go with dry rock to keep the cost down and also to keep the hitch hikers pest out. You can seed you water with bacteria later easily, by getting some dirty water from fellow reefer in the area.

Here is a $150 light+shipping
Here is a $130+shipping protein Skimmer + $20 power transformer from 220V to 1120V that you will have to get (got mine 200Watt transformer for $10 on CraigsList)
O this one if you want a fancy cone skimmer but i there is no proof that cones are better just claims.
If you want to get big and bullet proof as well as to skip on some water changes get this big $600+shipping skimmer and you will be good to go for many years.
I got my Calcium Reactor, overflow and my protein skimmer from these guys and they are legit. ( i would NOT buy electronics from them though, just acrylic work like skimmers etc)

here is your $239 free shipping circ pump, silent, reliable and with 3 years warranty

If you don't over stock and just keep a few fish, your water will be stable. Keep light low and you will have no algae problems. Only keep fish that you absolutely mast have make a list of 6 fish (for example: here is my favorites and absolutely mast haves :# 1 Moorish Idol, # 2 Blue Face Angel, # 3 Sohal Tang, # 4 Purple Tang, # 5 Queen Angel, # 6 Zebra Moray Eel)
Get Ozone and $60 UV light to protect your fish.

On your equipment only you are still at approx. ~$1300

You will be amazed at the reaction of people visiting you place who will see your fish. Fish will cost another $600 to $800++ but obviously you will not have to buy them all at once right?
So depending on how much you spend on used 120 Gal+stand+sump All in you are still at $2500 range

$2500-$3000 seams like a lot but the point here is that you do Not need a mortgage.
When i started my first 108Gal, I stopped counting after $7000!!!.
The reason was that i did not have a plan and i wanted everything.
Do Not buy cheap fish just because it looks cute and "one more fish isnt gonna hurt", This is the main "money waister" and also one small fish will generate waste that is expansive to remove. Stick to the plan !

If you think and plan ahead, combine shipping, know what you want and realize that you may get carried away for bigger better that may end up looking worse then 14Gal Nano tank. Stick to the plan and you will be OK and most importantly you will have time to enjoy your tank, because you have done everything right, from the start.
Just my 2c worth.

Last edited by RuGlu6; 03-30-2012 at 09:12 PM.
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