Thread: OK Swap & Sell
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Old 03-26-2012, 02:58 AM
fishdaddy3 fishdaddy3 is offline
Join Date: Feb 2004
Location: Westbank, BC
Posts: 31
fishdaddy3 is on a distinguished road

WOW!!! It was amazing to meet all of you. Ya'll are a great bunch of people. Shout out to Brent and his wife for hosting, beautiful home gorgeous tanks...u da man. Trevor and Andrew thanks for getting this going and making it possible. Mark(mseepman) thank you greatly for all that you shared with me...IOU and want to see progress of the peninsula tank as they develop. Andrew(ashr) you really hooked me up with some great deals and're awesome dude. Nick, great to see you again...duncans look awesome. are a kind man...thanks for all that you shared with me...
If i missed anyone...i'm's hard to type with my hand in the tank...over spent and kids might have to miss meals or develop a taste for mysis. Until we meet again.
No really officer, this is calcium for my aquarium.
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