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Old 03-25-2012, 07:47 PM
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Originally Posted by tim the toolman View Post
So I am having issues with vermetted snails all over my rock and it has started to effect the happiness of my corals and the like. I am considering pulling all the live rock out of my tank and scrubbing the buggers off and giving the rock a quick rinse.
My question is. Does this help or hurt my system
Will I get a new cycle from removing the rock and giving it a scrub/rinse
Am I going to stress my fish out way too much. (I will remove the rock in sections not all at once)
I am already started at this so any help asap would be appreciated
I would remove them by hand near the corals that are effective.

Removal of the rock risks damaging the other critters on the rock which are beneficial.
In addition, you will risk stressing out the fish too much.
The more you stick your hands in the tank and the more disruption the higher risk of creating serious conditions.

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