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Old 03-22-2012, 08:34 PM
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I doubt it's flukes. I had to deal many times with fluke on marine and freshwater fish and that never caused them to lose balance.

Flashing is scratching on side of rock and objects. I don't see it breathing fast. Often a fish infected with flukes will breath from only one side and very very fast, at least that's what hapened with most of my fish that were contaminated with flukes.

Prazipro is a good med to try anyway because if he's got a blockage in the intestine from worms it will take care of it. It is reef safe as well. I used it to cure my copperband from flukes and it did not dammage to my corals or invert in the tank, not even my feather dusters and not even the flat worms.

It does clear any internal worms as well as flukes. Can't hurt to treat.

What keep a fish in balance is its swim bladder. If this is not working properly the fish will not be able to float, or will lose balance. It is difficult to treat. Sometime it start with an infection and it heal but it can be permanent dammage as well.

If he's like that for a month, chances are that the infection is gone, if it was due to an infection. If it is due to internal parasites, then Prazipro and metronidazole should help.

You could treat with prazipro and soak the food in metronidazole. That's what I would do.

Originally Posted by swill View Post
He did have what looked like bloody skin awhile back just before he started acting like this actually, not sure about the sunken belly...what is flashing?
More fish die from human stupidity than any other disease...

Last edited by daniella3d; 03-22-2012 at 08:37 PM.
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