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Old 03-16-2012, 07:30 PM
Bandsaw Bandsaw is offline
Junior Member
Join Date: Jan 2009
Location: Cartier, Ontario
Posts: 12
Bandsaw is on a distinguished road

Do you have a sump? You mentioned that you want to put your ATO holding tank down one level in the house. If you have a sump, have you considered putting the sump downstairs? That is what I did. Once the sump was downstairs on a table that I could work on it, a whole new world of opportunity opened up. 50g ATO holding tank, good sized skimmer, heaters, 20g refugium next to the sump. And best of all - NO NOISE in the Display tank room (big bonus points from the wife - let me tell ya!!)

Either way, you are going to have to get a pump that can lift the water up the vertical distance from one level of the house to display tank. If the ATO you have can not drive a large pump, you will need an AC relay whose contacts can handle the current for the required pump. Why not get a heavy duty pump for your sump to return water to the display tank and small pump (I use a maxi jet 1200) to pump the ATO water to the sump.
Current Tank setup since Jan 2005
75g Reef w/fish, 10g sump, 20g refugium
2X150W DE Magachrome 20K, Korallin 1502 CaRa
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