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Old 03-14-2012, 09:27 AM
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gregzz4 gregzz4 is offline
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Location: Burnaby, B.C.
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gregzz4 will become famous soon enough

Do you at least get to use some power tools in the guest room? I don't even have the space here anymore.
Our master suite is still a suite, but as for the rest of our house, we can only blame ourselves. The master ensuite is my RO room. The middle bedroom is the wife's 'change room' as we lined the whole thing with shelves and cabinets ( clothes horse for a wife ), the front bedroom became my office ( thank god for my little bit of space, I even had to fight for the closet for my guitar gear ), the recroom became a work-out room that I have to constantly clear to use .... god forbid I'd like a work-out .... recycling, empty boxes, know what I mean? It piles up fast when you turn your back.
But, there still isn't anywhere to use serious power tools without making a bad mess on some kind of carpet

Anyway, I hope you make out well with your sealing.
As for me, the upside is I have AC in my office, so I'm currently using it's fresh-air feature to blow away the stink of the fresh silly-cone.
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