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Old 03-14-2012, 03:44 AM
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sphelps sphelps is offline
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Originally Posted by kole View Post
Thanks lockrookie I thought I had seen this before on a 125.

Sphelps I have read something like this on an old thread on another site. It was posted by a person who was said to be in the aquarium building industry with a larger company. glass less than an inch can be placed on top of the bottom pane.

I have read so much my head hurts lol.. My only concern with supporting the tank with plywood and then styrofoam is the bottom of the tank is almost flat it is only raised by the 90 degree angle piece of plastic trim. So when the edges of the tank sinks into the styrofoam the bottom pane will have upward pressure placed on it by the styrofoam. Thoughts?
That sounds about right, 1/2 is pretty much the thickest used for "standard" tanks, the biggest being around 230gal.

Your plan sounds fine, if the foam compresses enough so the bottom pane makes contact no worries, any pressure the foam applies to the glass is normal to the pressure from the water weight so it actually subtracts not adds. In other words the pressure from the foam is a reaction and will reduce the load on the glass. If the stand is perfectly flat and supports the tank trim without any gaps then foam isn't required, it really doesn't hurt though so if it doesn't bother you might as well use it.
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