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Old 03-12-2012, 10:53 PM
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Originally Posted by Harpo View Post
So Caulerpa is bad for the tank? Also, how do I lower my nutrients w/o killing ,my snails and shrimp. In above comment turbo snail was mentioned but I have 4 and if they do eat it, it's minimal.
No, Caulerpa itself isn't bad for the tank although if it gets too rampant it will go sexual which makes the water go cloudy, spikes ammonia, and drops dissolved oxygen. Critters don't like that.

Check out the link in my signature about nuisance algae for help lowering dissolved nutrients. Shrimp live off of uneaten fish food more than anything, so they will be fine. You can always target feed them. Most snails live off microalgae mainly which needs very little nutrients to grow where macroalgae (like Caulerpa, hair algae, etc) need much more nutrients to thrive. It is unlikely that you would be able to lower nutrients so far as to kill off snails unless you are carbon dosing (not the same type of carbon as what you use in a filter).
~ Mindy

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