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Old 03-07-2012, 05:35 AM
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GMGQ GMGQ is offline
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Hey guys,

So the tank seems to have stabilized.

- most LPS are fine
- most of the chalice frags were down to their skeletons, but some flesh is growing back
- amazingly most SPS are growing back! Albeit it's only a little bit of flesh regrowing at the base, there are still a few that look pretty dead...
- lost my square back anthias

I actually tried to add a couple of peppermint shrimp a week ago, but my mystery wrasse ate one (damnit! Forgot they like shrimp, it left my other cleaners alone, but that was cuz they were there first, but died during the recent crash). The other peppermint wasn't doing well by the next day. I put it in the frag tank, but it died the next day. So that leads me to believe there's still something funky in the tank... I think I'll have to do another bug water change on the weekend...

Do you have any Mille frags? My blue mille and pink mille dont show any signs of recovery yet
Tank was up for 7yrs and 10months. Thanks Everyone!

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