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Old 03-06-2012, 06:12 PM
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I only fragged it when I saw that some part of it was RTN. It was going better when I was doing daily water change but since I have not do a water change in a week, it went downhill pretty fast. It's like the flesh is getting more thin by the days and the skeleton is getting fragile. I don't yours ever got copper poisoning...not sure it would come back.

I had that coral bleach before and lost polyp extension but like you said in a few weeks it was going better and better. Now it's the opposite that is hapening, it is going worse and worse with less and less polyp extension and flesh going thin and disapearing in patches.

Water parameter are great, calcium 420, mag 1400, alkalinity 7.5, nitrates, etc...undetectible with my tests. All other corals are doing great with great polyps extension and last test done on my water showing no level of copper what so ever (below the pro laboratory equipement detection), so there is no more copper in the water.

It is very wierd, as if there is now only some green and brown color on the skeleton and no flesh or a very thin layer of flesh. It used to be plump and hard and when I was touching it, it was not falling apart.

I tried a Revive dip on the frag I did and I put it in my nano. I will see if it will come back.

Originally Posted by Erikusmagnus View Post
Daniella i have the same variety and every now and then when water changes, moving etc occur it takes them a few weeks to recover they get really shocked and will not come back out. But eventually they come around if all your levels are good it will eventually come back around. My suggestion is to let them be and they should come back, by fragging it and playing with it you may be adding extra unnecessary stress to it which will lengthen its recovery
More fish die from human stupidity than any other disease...

Last edited by daniella3d; 03-06-2012 at 06:14 PM.
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