Thread: HELP with algea
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Old 02-29-2012, 02:57 AM
Davidbugera Davidbugera is offline
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Default HELP with algea

I have a 90 gallon soft reef with 30 gallon mantis tank and 30 gallon ehopps sump.
IN SUMP:vertex280in skimmer
2x little fishes 550 reactor one with carbon changed once a week the
The other with phosban changed every three days
2x8" sock filters then threw a sponge and finally threw bio balls to my
Return pump
MAIN TANK: 70ish lbs of live rock plus a live rubble bed 4 clown fish 2 tangs 2manderine gobies ,hawk fish and various soft coral
MANTIS TANK: 1x 5" mantis shrimp 1x3" mantis a 10" carpet anemone,a maxi mini carpet and seabe anemone

LIGHTING. Whites run 6hrs a day and actinics 12hrs
90gallon has 16xwhite and 16 blue 3w led chips,2x 54w 10000k t5 and 2x 54w t5 blue.
Mantis has 2x96w purple ish blue actinics and 22000k 150w metal halide

Why am I still gettin massive algea,is not hair algea ist all most like the algea my cichlid tank used to get
They should have a sign on all fish stores reading"this hobbie is worse then heroin" maybe then I would have bin prepared for what was about to happen to my wallet.
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