Thread: Mcdonalds
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Old 02-22-2012, 11:15 PM
ScubaSteve ScubaSteve is offline
Join Date: Nov 2009
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I'm with you on this. I (except on rare occasions) refuse to eat at McDonald's. In fact I refuse almost all American meat as well. I'm not down with the American style of ranching (anyone who's been to a CAFO will agree with me).

My girlfriend and I are heavily involved in the issue of food production; my big beef with the whole food system is ...well... beef (sorry for the pun... just kinda happened). Every day I'm blown away how people (primarily the States) farm cattle and that people continue to eat it. Apparently people don't realize a supermarket steak and a cow are one and the same, and the phrase "you are what you eat" has slipped the minds of the public these days.

I'll only eat our (Canadian) cattle that have been raised to high standards (as most of our cattle are). I've gone so far as to know my rancher personally and to know his cows (He even lets me name my cows). If 16 cows on 160 acres isn't pasture-raised and grass-fed, I don't know what is! And I am happy there are many in Canada who raise their cattle to such standards.

I understand the frustration from a financial point of view. For the farmers who depended on McD's this sucks. But in the end I say good riddance. McD's never much cared for the quality of their product and the bottom line is all that matters to them now. This move shows that more than ever. If I was a rancher I'd refuse to sell to them just knowing that my beef went into such a low-quality product.

Well, that's my rant for the day and I'm off... Tinfoil hat on, and away!!!!

***And yes, this is a letter that has been around for a while. I got if from someone back in the summer (Facebook I think). Comments still stand!
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