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Old 02-22-2012, 08:52 PM
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BlueWorldAquatic BlueWorldAquatic is offline
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Default Cook Island Clams **STATUS: Ultra's/Derasa's SOLD OUT**

BWA & The Reef Shoppe exclusive Cook Island Clam order.

We have finally recieved our CITES for our Cook Island Clam order, this order has been in the making for over 2 years.

These are the Cook Island Clams, unlike the Vietnam clams we and everyone else is getting this week.

Tenative arrival Date March 8th, 2012

Our CITES is for 75 Maxima & Derasa Clams

These clams are CONFIRMED, and are being held for us.

*** UPDATE ***

Here are the following description and pricing of the Cook Island Clams

(A) Derasa, Blue Rim 3.5" $130 Pre-order price $117
(B) Derasa, Blue Rim 5.0" $160 Pre-order price $144
(C) Maxima Gold 1st Grade 2.5" $130 Pre-order price $117
(D) Maxima Turquois Ultra 1.5" $140 Pre-order price $126

*prices do not include GST.

Larger Derasa's avaliable at additional cost

We are now accepting pre-orders until closing Sunday March 4th 2012;

- $30 non-refundable deposit is required (refunded if cancelled by us), just indicate clam A, B, C or D at time of order
- pre-orders will recieve 10% off prices
- Pre-orders will be able to pick from our stock 24hours in advance, in-store or online (pics will be posted).

Also every clam sold will go home with a 500ml bottle of live rotifer/phyto mix ($25)

Shipping is avalable to those not local.

Please contact myself or Kelly if interested.

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Last edited by BlueWorldAquatic; 03-10-2012 at 03:10 PM.