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Old 02-17-2012, 06:12 PM
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jorjef jorjef is offline
Join Date: Apr 2010
Location: Regina
Posts: 983
jorjef is on a distinguished road

This is as simple as I can get it.....

Live rock, get as much as you can first go round don't worry if it's not cured the cycle will take care of that. After only buy cured live rock as not to start another cycle. Base rock is fine if you have patience.

T-5's are fine I had 48 fick'en watts for the longest time and maintain many types of corals. Then I wait WAY up to 108 watts of T5'S woo hoo, things were still fine. Don't let people scare you. I have pictures of my tanks in my profile under Statistics all are with the above mentioned wattage.

If a person went out and bought all the "suggested" equipment one of two things would you would be broke, or two you would run like hell and never get into this hobby.

Buy what you can when you can... NO one ever ever ever stays with their original equipment they start with, you will learn to avoid certain brands of equipment and should do this early on to avoid the dissapointment after the an example ask before you buy things like skimmers or certain brands of lights, they will likely be the most expensive items you will buy...

If you are from Weyburn there are a few people in your town that are very knowledgeable that I'm sure could give you some advise.

I guess I'm done ranting,,,

Oh ya, never overstock you tank with fish or corals ( they poop too) especially in the early stages....well any stage for that matter.

Last edited by jorjef; 02-17-2012 at 06:18 PM.
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