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Old 02-16-2012, 08:42 PM
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Same here...kent carbon...most coral are pale and some bleached. All my photosynthetic sponges are dead! My pink digitata is nearly white and show no polyp extension. Polyp extension is very low even on my shaggy acropora which is not shaggy anylonger. I put Kent carbon, go to sleep and wake up to that mess.

Never again will I use that crap. What's in it that could cause this? I used all sort of brand of carbon before without any visible effect...ever.

I removed the carbon and did 2 30% water change but it might take many water change to stop the bleaching. Now things have seem to stabilize but it will take months for some of the coral to recover, if they ever do. My blue haliclona photosynthetic sponges are gone. had them for 2 years

Originally Posted by Casey8 View Post
I was using Kent reef carbon corals for years without any problem until 2 days ago. I did water change on Monday evening, everything was fine and normal as usual. Tuesday afternoon, I changed the carbon. I used 1 cup for 100 gallons as instruction and as I normally do, so I am sure I didn't overdose it. But Wednesday morning, woke up and looked at the tank, all my sps corals were bleached. I did 25% water change right away. Today, I did another 25% water change because the corals look even more bleached. Even the hardest coral I have for more than 3 years and has been growing to almost 10 inch is also bleached more than half way I used to buy the smallest size of Kent reef carbon, but this time I bought a 1 gallon container, and that was the first time I was using it on Tuesday. I don't think buying smaller size or bigger size is different from the quality of it. But I had turned off the carbon today, because I thought it must be from using this carbon, there is no reason for me to think anything else. Checked the water quality, everything was fine.
I had spent too much time and money on corals. If I loose all the corals this time, I think I will go with fish only tank. I have been unlucky with them
Hope anybody here can give me some clues what is happening to my corals.
More fish die from human stupidity than any other disease...

Last edited by daniella3d; 02-16-2012 at 08:47 PM.
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