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Old 02-14-2012, 07:22 PM
outacontrol outacontrol is offline
Join Date: Jan 2010
Location: Stony Plain
Posts: 230
outacontrol is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by troni View Post
Must of been years since you've been on tools huh? Cause your talking like a office guy. Nobody is going to get a permit to move a plug.

Yes its the canadian electrical code but its a suggested code. Every province has its own legislatio
Man you are just full great information, are you sitting on the toilet when you write these replies? Cause I think some of your information and advise should be wiped up with some toilet paper and flushed.

The decision to pull a permit is a decision that everyone should make on their own from an educated stand point, you should not be advising people in a public forum that permits are not required.

When did you get your ticket? Does your boss know that you think the Canadian Electrical Code is just a suggested code? The CEC is the mandated legislated code, no if ands or buts about it! Every province has its own legislation - you must be refering the Alberta Standata, which is a document that amends and provides interpretation of the CEC.
As an electrician you can be fined, lose your ticket and even go to jail for breaking the code.

Please think twice before continuing with your miss-informed, and miss-leading information.
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