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Old 02-14-2012, 05:38 PM
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Gripenfelter Gripenfelter is offline
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Location: Winnipeg, Manitoba
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Gripenfelter is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by NemoanDory View Post
Thank you so much! Yes very pressed for time I have to have EVERYTHING out of this house and into the new place by march 1st already bought lots of bacerial stuff.

I am going to use new sand as my sandbed was used before and not very nice. Going to go with a very thin layer of the sugar like white sand.

I am going to try and bring over at least 90gals of water from the old tank to the new. I went to walmart and go 30gal rubbermaid tubs to transport the water in.

I have lots of bags and styrofoam boxes to transport the fish and corals in.

UHG I will be so happy when this is all done.
Only half fill the rubbermaid containers. They bend and bow out at the top lip. I used one as a quarantine tank once and the lip tore after 1 day of use.

Also I would transport the fish in the containers as well rather than in bags. Less stress and better temperature stability.

314 gallon Drop Off Reef tank. 150 gallon sump. Bean Animal Overflow. Various Tangs, Angels, Triggers, Inverts, Corals, etc.
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