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Old 02-14-2012, 02:52 AM
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Originally Posted by Delphinus View Post
I'm sort of confused how that's even possible unless rates change. I mean, usage is usage .. no? Although with that said, I find the utility companies always find a way to get you at first. For example I just signed up for a lower rate and to compensate for that they billed me at almost twice the normal billing period so I still had to fork over a sizable chunk of cash. That said the next bill should be pretty nice! Hope so for you too. I just don't see how that they could even try to get away with such an increase unless they claim your usage has gone up (or your rates). Good luck!
I don't understand it either, when they switched from the analog to digital (before the smart meter) my next bill was more than double and nothing had changed in the house, I even bought one of those plug in meters that you plug your stuff into to calculate usage, spent months tracking just about everything in the house looking for something that was sucking more power than it was supposed too and spent a fortune switching all my light bulbs to power compacts and LED, I wouldn't be so concerned if I was spending time in the shop or something, but I haven't done anything in the shop since October. Hopefully it's a glitch with the meter ( or meter reader) and it balances out with the next bill.
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