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Old 02-10-2012, 09:41 AM
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Default Sump clean up and bare bottom cuc question

Hey all, I have a 15g display stocked with 2 clowns, cleaner shrimp, emerald crab, and some snails. I also have a 30g tank for a sump/ fugr andI'm wondering what kinda critters would b best for keeping my sump/fuge clean? The first chamber has all of my equipment in it like my heater, skimmer, and media reactor and stuff and that chamber is pretty detritus free cause I have a couple power heads in there. The second chamber is the fuge and return section and it seems to b building up detritus and I wanna get something to clean it up. Or would blasting it with a turkey baster every week and letting it go into my tank and then into a flilter sock b best?

My other thing is my display tank, I switched to BB and wondering what the best way to keep it clean is? I'm thinking blast with the turkey baster when the detritus starts to build up and let the filter sock catch it or would that as well as some kind of detritus CUC help? If so what should I get? I have an emerald and just some algae eating snails now.

Anyways those r my questions and I would b very greatful for someone to give me some suggestions.

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