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Old 02-02-2012, 08:35 AM
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Default Tadpole looking things swimming around at night...

Hey guys, I have been watching my tank late and night with a flashlight and have noticed there are tons of clear tadpole looking things swimming around in all the holes and crevices in my rocks. They have a clear body and tail and are not copepods or amphipods cause I see those as well swimming around with them. The tadpole like things are super fast and getting a pic with my crappy cellphone would be impossible as they are so small. Just wondering if you had any ideas on what they may be.

At first I thought they may be baby dragonets as my pair have been mating and the female is no longer as preggers as last month. I tried searching online for mandarin fry pics but the one I found do not look like the ones in my tank.

The pairs of neon gobys (maybe? still pretty small), baby snowflakes (too young), and peppermint shrimp (do not look like these) are the only other possibly baby makers.

Can anyone shed some light on what they may be?
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