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Old 01-27-2012, 03:22 AM
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reefgirl189 reefgirl189 is offline
Join Date: Nov 2011
Location: Bonnyville, Alberta
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Originally Posted by Coralgurl View Post
Thanks Kien, that's what we are going to do! Kevin at RC kindly helped with the plumbing layout drawings tonight, so hoping to get it started!

Reefergirl, are you redoing everything?

I do like the refugiums, I can still add one in, along with a mod for filter socks.
Def a courser sand, the stuff in my current tank has all blown to one side and the front is now bare. I haven't looked at brands yet...not going with all live tho.
Ummm, fish list is at work, got a little distracted
Without being overly specific
Blue powder tang
Brown powder tang
I so would love a trigger-reef safe if possible, think these are cool looking fish but need more research
That's all I remember atm
Of course my current fish, 2 sebae clowns, royal gramma, solar wrasse, cardinal.

Well... we are doing a few changes. Like you, I have the most awesome boyfriend in the world. It was actually his idea to get an aquarium in the first place. Little did he know!! LOL But this is your build thread!! Let's talk more about you and your set up.

What do you think about the niger trigger? I'd love to get one of those when the time is right. I know they don't have much for color but they just look so majestic.

And what are your plans for the first tank? Are you going to keep it up like it is right now or are you going to do something different? Sell it off to pay for the new baby?

I'm sand shopping too at the moment. We have the bare bottom right now and I don't like it. Sometimes I wish there was a magic calculator you could plug all your dimensions and equipment into and it would tell your options are for sand, rock, what your potential future upgrade options are, etc. Maybe one of the more tech-savy vendors on this site could create one.
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