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Old 01-26-2012, 09:45 PM
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reefgirl189 reefgirl189 is offline
Join Date: Nov 2011
Location: Bonnyville, Alberta
Posts: 601
reefgirl189 is on a distinguished road

Poor guy... Must have been a rough weekend for him.

We got into an accident this weekend, and I was stuck in the ditch. I had my (almost) two year old in the back seat balling his eyes out. I watched 12 people drive by, looking at me struggling to get out and you know what? NOT ONE OF THEM STOPPED. One guy slowed down and yelled if I was okay out of the window of his monster truck, when I replied "sort of, just a bit stuck", he drove off in a hurry and didn't offer to help. It took me 30 minutes to dig myself out of the ditch. Stupid thing is I have the tow rope in my backseat if anyone would have offered to help it would have been an easy pull and I would have paid them. But no, people couldn't be bothered.

I'll never forget it and will always stop now each and every time I see someone in need. Naked or not, lol. In this guy's case it sounds like a bad breakup or mean friends. I hope everything worked out for him and he was able to locate some clothes.
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