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Old 01-15-2012, 08:24 PM
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every day as the dosage on the bottle, I think one cap full for each 10 gallons every day, for at least 2 weeks. I am keeping it for 3 weeks.

I did 3 weeks for my trigger and he did not have any problem with it.

Now I have Paraguard in my tank for 10 days and the corals that I have in there are still alive (clove polyp and green star polyp, zoan, paly) as well as the aiptasias unfortunatly, but at least the fish have stopped scratching.

I don't think Paraguard is very harsh medicine but I would never overdose or underdose, just stick to the instruction on the bottle and dose each day so that what ever parasite is on the fish it will not have the chance to develop resistance.

This look more and more to be brooklynella since it started on the clownfish. If it was marine velvet I guess it would have spread much faster than this.

Originally Posted by Shwabber View Post
No help on ID...however I have moved everyone to the Hospital tank as the Fox-Face and the other Clown were showing some white areas on theit fins...the Hippo was not but I'm going to treat them all.

Daniella...what are your treatment suggestions with Paraguard...the bottle states every day as necessary....but I am thinking every other day with a water change in between??? For 5 goes maybe???
More fish die from human stupidity than any other disease...
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