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Old 01-14-2012, 11:47 PM
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Sorry to hear about your fish maybe it was brooklynella? not sure but for identifying a small parasites like brook, you would need a microscope for sure because it's a small protozoare.

Maybe what you found are some flukes, but I doubt it since prazipro would have probably killed them. The best way is to do a scrape but it will be hard to find anything alive if the fish has been dead and out of the water for a few days, maybe even few hours.

Originally Posted by Shwabber View Post
Thanks Gregzz!

I layed her out on a white surface and found a couple of little black crescent shaped things fell off. They were still wriggling around... about 1mm in length. It looked like a dark white grub would look when it curls up...only a little slimmer and dark brown/black in colour. Gonna see if I can ID it on the neighbor may have a microscope I might see if I can reference it from a stock photo.
More fish die from human stupidity than any other disease...
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