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Old 01-11-2012, 02:12 AM
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tidal_waters tidal_waters is offline
Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: Calgary
Posts: 132
tidal_waters is on a distinguished road

Well to be honest, the tank is taking a turn for the worse and losing some sps. Now, I can't pin it on anything yet, as there's two pieces of new equipment that could be the root of my problems, or neither. Going to be checking my parameters in a bit to see if anything that is off that may shed some light.

The lights seem to be doing okay and loving the color Im currently getting on some corals, namely my red planet. I have finally gotten the darker red and green colors. Some look paler since the new lights, and of course the ones that are starting to rtn or brownout.

Im leaning towards the Skimz, this thing is driving me absolutely insane! I have been constantly adjusting for the last two months, with a couple of times where I thought I had it dialed in and was getting some good skimmate for a few days and just before I empty the cup, the Skimz decides its going to empty itself and overflows a good half a cup of dark nasty into my sump. This happened three times so far. I have followed online/forum/messages instructions on tuning this thing and have yet to have one full week of not having to adjust this thing. dare I say it, but Im comparing this thing to a coralife super skimmer!
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