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Old 01-08-2012, 10:41 PM
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tang daddy tang daddy is offline
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tang daddy is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by paddyob View Post
Interesting. I always thought, based on 1- only full specimens available for sale and 2- being told that brains do not Frag , that they could not be.

Can all be fragged, or just certain species?
Not to vere too far off from track but I've seen Some members on here have chopped up elegance and other corals.

I had a welso brain coral that was in awesome shape and one day had a huge piece of rock fall on it, 1/4 of it was badly damages skeleton showing and flesh peeling back. I was so ****ed that happened and hoped for the worse, 2 weeks later it was healing itself and by the one month mark was back to normal.

I've seen lobos cut and the flesh healed quickly too, I do believe if you cut a coral in half it definately helps for it to be a clean cut so it can heal faster. I don't have the guts to cut pieces up nor do I want to take the chance on a nice show piece and maybe lose it.

But back to the FS post!
Always looking for the next best coral...

90g starphire cube/400mhRadium20k/2 XHO/2x27w UV/2x39w T5/ 3 Trulumen led strips
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