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Old 01-05-2012, 07:23 PM
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Millepora_Maniac Millepora_Maniac is offline
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Location: Mission, B.C. (Lower Fraser Valley)
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Originally Posted by ReefOcean View Post
I don't understand why you would have an algae problem in a frag tank. Is it a closed system? Are there fish? Do you still use RODI water?

EDIT: BTW, any mille frags for sale?
Yes, i have mille frags for sale like ususal, blue ones pink ones, green and blue ones. PM if you need one or all.

It's funny you mention the RO because i recently had my RO Booster pump explode on me. Since then the algae has gotten out of control, I'm thinking that maybe without that extremem pressure going through my RO unit that the filters aren't working properly. I have a new one now so we'll see what happens, maybe a fresh set of filters include DI resin would help out too.

this baffles me sometimes though, you can't read it on a test kit, you can't see it in your display, my refugium is hardly growing my macro algae, runnning Zeo, and pellets, i do massive regular water changes (big blue drums) yet the algae in my frag tank continues to grow.

I'll post back on the success or failure of the new booster pump with filters. i've been ruinning my RO at about 25 PSI since the pump blew. this new one should boost it to 80 or more, maybe that'll make all the difference.

90 gal SPS display+65 gallon mixed reef
GEAR: Korallin calcium reactor, bio pellets, digital aquatics controller, Tunze ATO, MP40, 4 x Tunze 6105 w/controller, Reef Octopus Xp3000 ext, 2x250w MH, Futura LED.

Last edited by Millepora_Maniac; 01-05-2012 at 07:26 PM. Reason: mistake
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