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Old 12-29-2011, 06:51 PM
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reefgirl189 reefgirl189 is offline
Join Date: Nov 2011
Location: Bonnyville, Alberta
Posts: 601
reefgirl189 is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by Aquattro View Post
How long have you been at it?
Not long. Just enough to say it's cycled and add a few live things like snails, shrimp and a few softies. There's not a chance I'd dump the hobby altogether because I do love it. I'm just getting a bit discouraged from my SPS goal. I think all the dosing and special finicky corals that need ridiculously perfect water parameters and what not may be just too much for me right now. I still don't feel entirely confident of the whole reef system and how it's all supposed to fit together perfectly.

It's life too. Discussing a big life changing move (career and geographically) and having a child, showing my dogs, crazy family drama, a full time job with mandatory overtime. Ugh. Maybe I'm just being a downer.

I just want a nice beautiful living piece of art to come home to everyday and be confident in myself that everything will still be there the next day. I don't want to kill anything. Ever. Except maybe an ugly crab or the odd aptasia. I could probably do that much.
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