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Old 12-19-2011, 11:16 PM
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asylumdown asylumdown is offline
Join Date: Jan 2010
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asylumdown is on a distinguished road

*sigh* I know those guys well. I had a 20 gallon nano filled with mostly softies, including a couple hideously expensive carnation corals. I picked up a new colt coral from one of the LFS in Calgary, then a month later went on vacation. When I got home, the colt coral was gone, and the carnation corals had been reduced to stumps. Inside the hole where the colt coral had been anchored, was about 20 of those guys, with another half dozen hiding at the base of the carnation corals.

I assume there was a clutch of eggs or a pregnant nudi on the colt coral that I didn't see when I put it in the tank.

Thankfully it was a small enough tank that physically removing them wasn't out of the question.
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