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Old 12-15-2011, 12:48 AM
Borderjumper Borderjumper is offline
Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: Victoria
Posts: 1,747
Borderjumper is on a distinguished road

That sucks.. Wish I could help ya buddy.. But I have no clue.

I've lost a couple that way too, the polyps just peel off leaving one white skeleton?

When I have one doing that I give it a revive dip, cut off the exposed skeleton and put the colony into another tank. That usually works. I've found some big black worms in some of the rock while I'm cutting the colony's apart.. Maybe that has something to do with it... Or maybe it's the light? My water chemistry is basically the same in both tanks, but for some reason they seem to stop the die off once I switch tanks.

If it were me.. I would frag off all the dead parts, and even go one polyp into the good tissue, give the good parts a dip in revive( mix it a little light) and put the frags on a rack for a while so you can watch em.

I have lost a scolly recently and have one struggling. I have way too many little brittle stars, and once the polyp recedes a little the brittle stars move right into the skeleton..I've seen them even waving their little arms out of the corals mouth.. This can't be good. the dip will kill them too.
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