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Old 12-13-2011, 08:21 PM
BigAl07 BigAl07 is offline
Join Date: Dec 2011
Location: North Carolina, USA
Posts: 75
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Agree or not that's entirely up to you and at the end of the day I'll respect your opinion about it.

think about it.. we're applying large amounts of water along side large amounts of electricity. That has a very strong degree of danger to it. Yes there are safety precautions in place to keep us from getting severely shocked but in the same sense I feel like you're majorly over-playing the dangers of the laser. It's not a toy and it's not something to be left laying around the house for someone else to play with. Also note that the poor guy who suffered the injury was NOT wearing safety goggles and he was not practicing safe laser handling techniques.

Fact of the matter is almost anything can be dangerous if not treated with respect and the proper safety procedures aren't in place this just happens to be a new one on the reefing scene. If you find it's too dangerous for your own personal use I respect that. For many of us a 1w laser is no more dangerous than some of the electrical wiring tangles I've witnessed under tanks with salt water dripping/spilling and corroding the connections. It's all about being safe regardless what particular reefing activity you're up to.
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