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Old 12-13-2011, 05:46 PM
BigAl07 BigAl07 is offline
Join Date: Dec 2011
Location: North Carolina, USA
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Originally Posted by Delphinus View Post
I'm also curious if the beam passing through the glass might do some residual damage there as well, perhaps creating a weak spot?

Cool idea though in theory! Come on, it's freakin' LASERS!
It has zero effect on glass. None what so ever. It "works" from heat and this heat is "absorbed" by darker materials. The darker the material the faster and more intense the heat. The "Beam" passes through the glass as if it's not there at all. There are lasers that can cut glass but they are a highly specialized system and I suspect some other "Trade Secrets" are involved in that endeavor. That's why many of your production glass cutting systems use water-jet rather than laser to cut their projects.

Yes this is a VERY risky process and truly no one else should be home let alone in the same room or in an adjacent room where the beam could be reflected to.

The 2 people I've talked with indicate that something makes the fish "not interested" in the end-point (sound of the boiling flesh maybe?) but none the less precaution needs to be taken to help ensure you don't have a stray "Swim By" event. Lucky for me my tank in question only has 3 fish so putting them in "Time Out" wont be a huge matter.
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