Thread: Carmen's Cube
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Old 12-08-2011, 02:29 AM
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Default Carmen's Cube

Well I really do not have a proper tank journal and I don't have the time to update regularily, however I thought it be nice to share a few pics every now and then.
This is my little itty bit of ocean in my living room. Yes, I find it quite squishy compared to the 144 Gallon tank I had to part with, but it satisfies the craving! Aside from the algae issues driving me a little batty, (my own neglect being the cause), I am thouroughly enjoying my little tank. Super easy maintenance and in my living room where I can truly enjoy it!

So the main reason I kept a little tank going was I just could not part with my first ever fish - my clowns! And their host Rose Bubble Tip Anemone. My clowns were regular breeders in the big tank but stopped completely after they were moved to a small tank. Not that I blame them since I am sure it was rather shocking to go from 144G to 45G!! And the anemone went into massive shock! And turned virtually brown and rather ugly! However, now - 4 months later - my precious clowns are breeding again and my nem is nice and pink! YAY!!

I know the tank is truly nothing fancy and has some rather embarrassing algae concerns but I find it so very exciting to see my clowns happy again and producing eggs. So I thought I'd share a few little pics.

Red Coral Online Store

45 Gallon Cube with 10 Gallon Sump, Lighting 8 bulb T5, Vertex IN 80 Skimmer
-2 Occelaris Clowns, Engineer Goby, RBTA, Peppermint Shrimp
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