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Old 11-27-2011, 08:27 PM
chrispyfish chrispyfish is offline
Junior Member
Join Date: Nov 2010
Location: Vancouver, BC
Posts: 9
chrispyfish is on a distinguished road

Ca: 460ppm
pH: 8.2
Specific Gravity: 1.0255
Carbonate Hardness: 10dKh
NH3: 0
NO2: 0
NO3: 7ppm
Phosphates: 0.1ppm

Kent liquid calcium (dosed once to bring it up, will check and maintain as needed)
Aquavitro Fuel at 1/2 dose (recommended by LFS for coral nutrients.)
Vodka - control NO3, Phosphates. (both still coming down from cycle, Phos has sinced bottomed out)

30 blue leg hermits
5 red leg hermits
10 asterea snails
10 margarita snails
10 Nerite snails
1 pink warty sea cuke (Super happy, eating well)

1 green hammer frag (doing superbly well, super extended, very vibrant)
1 stnd. Firefish (found a home within 5 seconds, and now chills outside his den and watches me play vids, hoping I'll feed him :P)

So far, everything is running perfectly. At first, my CPR overflow box was making a lot of gurgly noises, despite the tube thingy they give you to prevent it, but once I filled 'er up with filter floss just a certain way, everything became perfectly silent. No complaints since. My aquarium is quieter than my desk fan :P

I also want to say one more time how happy I am with my cheap chinese protein skimmer. Cleaned it out today and it was so gross. I am so pleased with the amount of crap its pulling out of the tank already, after only 5 days! $99 on, and it performs as well, if not better, than most $300+ models I've seen. Its got 2 return outlets each with its own adjuster knob, so you can fine-tune it really precisely. Again, wicked buy. (this company should pay me for this :P)

Anyway, thats all for now. Couple more pics.
Best hobby ever

Last edited by chrispyfish; 11-27-2011 at 08:32 PM.
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