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Old 11-16-2011, 07:57 PM
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I guess your tank must be pretty full of SPS because I dose about 50ml per day in my 75 gallons and I have a lot of SPS and a clam and I don't do that many water changes. I use BRS 2 part and a marine magic dosing pump. Things are good and stable for over a month now.

If you have a full SPS tank, maybe you should look into a calcium reactor and the same for the alkalinity so that it won't raise your salinity.

KH of 7 is more than enough, and I would not go higher than 8 for a SPS tank espacially with a low nitrates level.

Originally Posted by spawn View Post
Needless to say, I am !@^&%#X choked right now. I just tested the para's for the first time since WC on sat. They have dropped from
ALK 9>7
CA 390>300
MG 1350=1350
Sal 1.026-<1.0265
I'm dosing, after a considerable drop from the last time I was whining about this...,
92 ml's of CA into 55 gal for rate of 1.67ml per gal
88 ml's of ALK into 55 gal for rate of 1.6ml per gal
Logic tells me to up the doses... but when I was dosing at a higher rate, the CA could not be maintained. So it had to be precipitating? As well the salinity was going up weekly due to the amount of supplements being why add more.
I am honestly sick of &$^&#$%^ around with this, as it is a huge pain in the #%# & not fun or even the slightest bit interesting anymore. If I can't get this straightened out, I'm thinking of packing it in with this tank, & definitely reconsidering setting up a bigger one. As I have little to no faith that it will be any less of a pain in the @$@#. If anyone has anymore suggestions, I would love to hear them.
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