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Old 11-02-2011, 02:15 AM
LifeAquatic LifeAquatic is offline
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Default Lighting Intensity Concerns

Hello all,

I am in the process of upgrading my lighting and I purchased a 2X 250 watt metal halide (15k bulbs) + 4X 54 watt T5 HO (3 actinic and 1 Fiji Purple) light fixture for my 70 gallon reef tank (depth to sand bed is 21"). I intend to keep mainly light-loving SPS corals, however, I have a few (but charished) LPS corals and softies (mainly my 25+ head frogspawn and brain corals). I have read a few articles which warn against the use of excessive lighting which eventually leads to the demise of more light-sensitive corals (and possibly even light-loving corals) due to photo-inhibition stress. Can anyone tell me whether the use of ~716 watts of lighting (10.2 watt/gallon) will adversely affect these corals (and any fish inhabitants - via blinding them)?

Thanks a million!
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