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Old 11-01-2011, 02:25 PM
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pscott99 pscott99 is offline
Join Date: Dec 2010
Location: Stratford ON
Posts: 58
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I have been through two outbreaks. Never cleaned or treated. It goes away on it's own after a couple weeks. The best thing is flow. From what I read, you are doing all the right things, even more than I have. It's a bacteria outbreak that has to run it's course. Whatever nutrient it feeds on it seems to use up or perhaps another bacteria overruns it. I wish we could test for what "feeds" the various outbreaks. I am not a clean tank freak, I like a little and have various algae on the back glass and rock. A stable healthy tanks fights off a "cold". My theory for what it's worth.
28gal reef tank
nov 2010
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