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Old 10-29-2011, 09:04 PM
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scherzo scherzo is offline
Join Date: May 2009
Location: Coquitlam
Posts: 243
scherzo is on a distinguished road

BB for business? iPhone for play? I don't understand that argument.

I've done a tonne of business (running conferences and talking to almost 100 vendors) through my iPhone. No problems, easy to communicated etc.. I have NEVER had a situation where I couldn't do "business" on the phone.

Truth is - people are attached to their phones

BB users (like the BB corporation) is unfortunately "OLD SCHOOL THINKING" and is losing marketshare RAPIDLY!

iPhone and Android phones are #1 & #2 in the world and RIM is falling fast.

Google will NOT buy BB unless there is some intellectual property they want. Not because it is a good brand. They (google) already own Motorola Mobility so they don't need much more. (although every time google sneezes they spit out 10 BB companies in $ value).

I use my iPhone for business and storing music/podcasts. I can edit documents (in a pinch... screen is a bit small... but good for emergencies), read PDFs and do everything I need to do.
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