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Old 10-25-2011, 09:24 PM
reefwars reefwars is offline
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Originally Posted by daniella3d View Post
Breeding them?? are they easy to breed? if people can breed them then why are they so hard to find?

I would really like to buy some as well as when I had my flatworm problem it was a black velvet nudi that solved it in one month. I like my zoanthids too much to have any filefish.

Anyone breeding them in Canada?

they are very easy to breed they breed daily from what i understand.i had mine in a large mason jar with a air stone , and would feed them little heads as they were eating them.once they had babies i would move the babies to another jar using a turkey can tell if they are eating by their color and the obvious aiptasia being eaten.i would let the jars float in my tank to keep the temp where it was supposed to air stone to provide oxygen and very little flow as they can get swept into current and be suspended in water untill they either get eaten,starve or find something to grab hold of.

heres the problem, nudis like i say are a slow process, not only that but they run the risk of getting eaten, sucked into equipment, and they can get eaten by larger aiptasia they are also very expensive.nudis need to attack in numbers to do any dent in aiptasia and they constantly breed untill you have enough nudes to clean out your tank. once they are done eating they will die from starvation unless you set up another breeding tank in which case you need to have enough aiptasia to keep them fed.

i was breeding them for a while but to be honest its such a pain in the ass and not all babies make it alive.

i would go peppermint shrimp long before i go nudis again. in the end after adding about 50 babies to my tank it was the filefish who cleaned them right out, even in a small tank with lots of zoas and palys to eat my filefish barely touched a thing.

because of my eel,tank size and number of aiptasia i was dealing with these were my only 2 options if i wanted to keep my rock.
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