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Old 10-25-2011, 03:47 PM
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NOw that's funny...first I did not attack anyone, second you posted a link to type of link I just poste that was supposably not good

I do beleive that some parazoanthus (usualy very ugly brown polyps) are carrier of the toxin, however the likehood of finding this in home aquarium is low. Plus those are not really the type of paly that one would want to frag! lol!

If you read, the most severe case of reaction in human was a man trying to boil the ugly paly to get rid of them, not trying to frag them. Here is a chart with the polyps that were found to be carrier:

and the link to the study:

I just don't beleive that having a left arm go numb would be related to fragging zoanthids. Some people have understanding problem here..I was not saying that the OP was having a heath attack! wow that was funny...but rather that it is a possible causes and that I would go check with a doctor.

I do think that the OP should see a doctor and not take any chance with any possible cause.

Now that's just plain common sense.

Here is another study but I cannot have access to the full thing. Maybe someone here does.

Originally Posted by 2pts View Post
Thank you MMAX.

Try to ignore the people like I quoted.

This one lost all credability by attacking you for sharing your experience, then posted a link to an info search site. When I clicked that link that they provided to debunk you it came up with a big search box which I typed in "dangers of zoanthids".

When searched like that, the first non ad link had this in it...

"Palytoxin is a tumor promoter, and is being studied in relation to signaling pathways in skin cancer genesis.[16] Contrary to common belief, palytoxin can be absorbed through intact skin.[17] The danger of acute poisoning from venomous zoanthids is quite real. An aquarist was poisoned through skin injuries on fingers by a Parazoanthus species, but recovered after 3 days. His zoanthid was found to contain 2-3 milligram of palytoxin per gram.[18] For comparison, the intravenous LD50 dose of palytoxin for a grown man is less than 8 microgram. Thus each gram of the offending zoanthid contained enough venom to kill at least 125 grown men." (sounds safe to me)

So perhaps I am just confused, maybe that poster was arguing to support what you were saying.

Read more:

Last edited by daniella3d; 10-25-2011 at 03:59 PM.