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Old 10-10-2011, 10:01 PM
cathyg_99 cathyg_99 is offline
Join Date: May 2009
Location: Edmonton
Posts: 250
cathyg_99 is on a distinguished road
Default FS Galaxy/Tooth coral

I have a galaxy/tooth coral for sale, sorry for the picture my tank glass has been neglected for a while... its 4inX4inX2in with a new little piece that has grown thats about 1X1, it is mounted to a large rock as well, the rock its self is 1 inch wide by 4X3 inch tall... $60? i haven't seen this in a while so im not sure what to ask for it

please note: I had a bit of a tank crash which i thought was velvet, but after talking to ken from BWA it was a lack of oxygen in the system and the stress of a new fish... I currently have two clowns one old one new living in my tank and they are doing fine...
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