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Old 09-23-2011, 11:21 PM
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cale262 cale262 is offline
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Location: Beaumont Alberta
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Originally Posted by naesco View Post
I am shocked that there are still LFS importing them.
Your Moorish Idol has next to zero chance of living in any reefers tank and I am surprised the LFS did not tell you that.
I would return it to the LFS for a full credit. It is their problem.
They should never have imported it.
I imagine that if said LFS was so negligent in action, returning the fish would only be condemning it to a certain death. Thus being the case, returning the fish would be an irresponsible act on my part. This leaves me but one reasonable and practicable course of action, keep the fish and look after it's welfare to the best of my ability.

I also have a Feather Starfish housed in this tank, it arrived as a hitchhiker in some live rock. All the research I've done to date in reference to this stowaway reports that keeping it alive for any period of time in a home reef tank is impossible. It's been in my care for more than a year now showing no evidence of decline.
Glass box with stoney stuff and fisches...
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