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Old 09-23-2011, 11:36 AM
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The sponge turning white means it's dying. It could be having a warfare with some of your other corals. I would do a water change and put a lot of carbon.

I doubt it's the product that caused it. It's silica and you only put 1/4 of the dose. Probably your sponge was exposed to air, or was not acclimated properly and it is dying and by doing so, it is releasing toxin.

I never had any negative reaction with any of my coral and this sponge though. I had a foxface that broke a few pieces and I glued those pieces and they are growing. If it's turning white it's a very bad sign.

Also it's photosynthetic so because of that it does need acclimatation to a new light and you are using LED, so maybe it has a light shock.

Also what size of tank is that?

Last edited by daniella3d; 09-23-2011 at 11:43 AM.
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