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Old 09-23-2011, 02:34 AM
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sphelps sphelps is offline
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OK so I was unable to get the PWM controlling working however I believe it's possible with some further investigations, it's just unfortunate that a product that is geared towards the DIY market has such little support and documentation. Realistically a decent manual with examples of how to connect typical drivers would be helpful instead of the typical spec sheet that tends to focus the details on what it can do rather than how.

Anyways I've installed the fixture with the manual dimmers to get a feel for what this thing can do, here's a FTS with 100% blue, 10% red, and 50% white (the color I'm most happy with):

Not the greatest picture but my camera did have issue balancing the color.

Anyways my final thoughts are not great, overall this style of lighting isn't for me and I'll either sell it as is for what I can get or rebuilt some kind of hybrid.

These are my problems, some I feel are related to how it was built but others on LEDs in general.
  • Main issue is it doesn't work for rimless tank, having an open fixture means when I sit in my living room I have 126 LEDs shining in my eyes.
  • The color isn't as good, the corals simply don't reflect the same colors as they do with other options.
  • Overall brightness isn't impressive, running close to capacity over 300W of LEDs seems comparable to 200W of T5s, to my eyes anyway, yes PAR may tell a different story.
  • The fans are still noticeable, considering that I went through great lengths to eliminate the slightest noise even the quiets fans are a nuisance.
  • It's overly complicated, I just can't get over it, I feel it will be a constant problem in the future with too many parts to fail. One driver already failed from ESD, although this was my fault during construction.
  • The controller was a big fail, although possible far from plug and play like I was hoping and told by some.

All in all, I'll be investigating other options and I'll take what I can get for this fixture.

Last edited by sphelps; 09-23-2011 at 12:28 PM.
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