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Old 09-20-2011, 03:20 PM
clowny clowny is offline
Join Date: Nov 2010
Location: Regina
Posts: 45
clowny is on a distinguished road

1) OK so the Lionfish is out, as I definetly want some cool inverts and the person who wanted it doesnt want to feed it. So now I'm lookin for ideas on a fish that can be a show piece fish that will draw people to the tank so they can spot the clowns cardinals and manderins after they see the "cool one". I was thinking a Harlequin Tusk, as the show piece but have not heard any stories about it. I read it eats hermit crabs (which I'd have none) but nothing about shrimp or snails.

2) Also the tank is not covered right (euro braced) now but if i went the wrasses route I would put a cover on. I just havent decided how to make a cover if I go the wrasses route would egg crate block too much of the LED light (i am thinking a DIY LED fixture probably modular LED)? Or should i get a glass or acrylic piece cut and made.

3) I guess I should say that the Tank is going to be dominated by corals with blue coloration(can have other colors but must have blue on it ex. Pink birds nest blue polyps)of all kinds so the fish can be any color to really make them POP.This set up will be Skimmerless as well. Hence the low low fish count and tons of rock.

4) I dont know if it would be possible or even work properly but here was my idea for aquascaping please let me know if the rock would still function as a biofilter and for coral placement on the aquascape. I was thinking of ordering 200 pounds of rock rubble (maybe 150 and get 50 live braching or prime cut pieces) and making a giant ship aquascape. The ship would be the width of the tank (at its widest spot 2 feet) and the length of it (tip to tip 4 feet) and the exhaust stacks(would go to about 1 foot 6 inches) where as the deck of the ship yould be a foot high with holes on the sides and stairs ways on the deck so fish could go through and in the ship. Maybe not big enough for the show piece fish but definetly for the clowns manderins and cardinals. The ship would be hollow to allow swimming and hiding inside. I would piece this all together with a lot of rock and epoxy holidng it all together. The ship would probably have 2 or 3 stacks and be "halk sunk" in order to allove enough space for swimming and holes but also to have it stand upright by itself.

5) In relation to the aquascaping my flow will be 2x EcoTech Marine Vortech MP40 ES and some from a return pump from the sump but seeing as my sump will only have live rock rubble and maybe a DSB in it as well I dont forsee too much flow out of there. The sump will have 3 chambers 1 for overflow water to the sump 1 for LRR and DSB and 1 for return pump, no light for the sump as its main job is to produce PODS and Filter the water. any recommendation of Pump and chamber sizes? (30 gallon long tank 36x12x18)

6) Can Modular LED set ups do the sunrise and sunset effect from one side of tank to another while slowly increasing the intensity? I also would like to be able to program the lights to do cloudy days, storms, and such is this all possbile with them too? I would be buying the Dimming set up for the 4 foot tank and controller with needed addition for controller to control the dimming drivers.

I think that is all my questions for now.

PS this build is a 2-3 year project from now if not more due to house reinforcement (where tank will go) and honeymoons (yes more then one...) and schooling and renovations to increase house square feet for added bedroom and laundry room. Also probably adding a deck.
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