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Old 09-19-2011, 08:38 PM
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Black Phantom Black Phantom is offline
Join Date: Feb 2006
Location: Calgary
Posts: 331
Black Phantom is on a distinguished road
Default This really steams me.

So I decide to go into one of the "big box" LFS in the northeast (which I don't usually do). And as I'm walking around the salesperson is adding up a list of all the new marine fish (8 to be exact)that this gentleman is picking out. When I mention he must have a large tank he says that he is just starting a 28 and is picking it out today.
When the salesperson mentions he will need live rock he asks "what's that".
The salesperson says he will need it to balance the system and with the right additives he should be able to put his fish in the tank in about 3 days. Now I'm mad. This is just wrong.
So while the salesperson is off getting "stuff" I quickly jot down the URL for Canreef and convince the guy to hold off on the fish at least for a couple of weeks. Hopefully by then he will come online here and start to gather some knowledge of what it really takes to have happy critters and not kill a ton of stuff getting there.
I realize the bottom line for these stores is sales but a little more information to the customer would sure go a long way.
250 gal display tank plumbed directly to my wallet
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